The first assault rifles you’ll encounter are on the Military soldiers underneath the bridge in the area out in which you start. Get a rifle as soon as possible and use it. By pressing P, though, you will be shown all your current quests and can double click on the one you want the minimap to point you to. You can press M to view the map much more efficiently than pressing P to simply bring up the PDA.Artifacts that increase your “health” really only increase health regeneration.Negative radiation will increase your resistance to radiation in the environment. If you have positive radiation, it will slowly kill you. You probably shouldn’t equip artifacts that increase your radiation until you equip artifacts that reduce your radiation.It becomes less effective as the condition worsens. Your armor’s condition is represented by the blue meter.There is no compulsion to follow the orders of anyone giving you an optional quest.

Sometimes the reward you get for, say, collecting and item and returning it to someone is worse than if you simply keep the item. Money is not especially key to your success.

Some of them are broken, many are simply wastes of time.